You of course remember the Imposing Demon from episode 12,
Potential, from season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, right? Any good Buffy fan would, right? I didn't even recall this demon and I designed it.
I was talking to
Melissa Findley over the weekend and the topic of my Buffy work came up and I tried to remember all the demons I worked on, but for the life of me I couldn't recall them all. So I made the mistake this week of going back into my files to refresh my memory. So that everyone is on the same page, this is the Imposing Demon...

Imposing Demon on set with actor James Marsters who played Spike (the demon is on the right). Not the best photo, but you get the idea...
Big brown dangly toothy thing of a demon wearing a airplane pillow around it's neck. I should have stopped there, having refreshed my memory, but I didn't. I went and looked at the designs I did... and submitted to be viewed and judged... for all to see...

OH THE HORROR! Really craptastic drawings that I did just under eight years ago. I somehow thought those little gray squares were going to help...
© 2002 Almost Human
Now that I had something to jar my memory it all came rushing back. The Imposing Demon was used in a bar to waylay Spike in his pursuit of information. It needed to be big and scary and... IMPOSING. My job was to design it. Having fail miserably I turned in the four above concepts for Production to pick from before we moved onto the final. In house we were leaning towards "A" but Production went with "C" and I had to jazz it up a bit and try to make something out of it. Another failure on my end. We make the best we can with the tools available. No need to go into all the issues I have with the above... "drawings". No point in looking backwards, I want to look forward and I took a little bit of time and reworked the Imposing Demon design.

Taking the Imposing Demon back!
© 2010 Christopher BurdettThat was so much fun I just might take a little time and flesh out all three of those other designs and see what I can come up with! Remember, no matter where you are at in the development of your art you will progrss and improve if you stick with it and put in the time and energy.
Okay, I know I said on Monday that I was most likely not going to post anything the rest of this week. I just feel bad when I don't and this idea fell in my lap and wanted to share. I also finally received my copy of Talisman: Highland in the mail on Monday so starting next week I will be sharing the pieces I have in that expansion!
See you back here on Friday, I will try to find something for you. Maybe some more demons! Until then...