Why yes, I do have two more cards from Talisman: Highland to share with you today. If you missed them you can check out my earlier post here:
Part 1 and
Part 2. One is a monster type thing and one is not a monster type thing…

© 2010 Fantasy Flight Games
Highland Raiders
© 2010 Fantasy Flight GamesI am really happy with the Magpie. I had the piece in my hardcopy portfolio late last year when I was attending some events and got some good reactions on it. Before you ask what was I doing showing this around last last year especially when the game just came out… I got permission to use it. Never hurts to ask! For the record, the gold gnome figurine was in fact in the art order. I think I am most pleased with the sticks and nest, not really sure why, but I like how they turned out.
The Highland Raiders was really straight forward. The art order requested simply an Orc.. that's it. I came up with the rest as I developed the sketch and now we have Highland Raiders. I wanted to try something interesting with the lighting, something I have never done before. Not sure how successful I was with it, but it never hurts to try something new once in awhile.
That is all for another exciting week on the blog. There won't be a post on Monday due to the holiday and I will most likely be offline getting some work done. But fear naught, I will be back on Wednesday with some more pieces from Talisman! Until then...