As I have mentioned once, twice or even thrice before, I received permission to use several of my unreleased pieces for self promotion on my blog, website and in my portfolio (if I so choose). The catch is I can't talk about what project they were for or what they are. Today I have my forth and (currently) final mystery piece can share with you. So, without any further delay I present... um... this turnaround...

This may be the final mystery piece I can show right now, but there is still a pile of work I did for WoTC that is just itching to make it out into the light of day. Hopefully in the not too very distant future I will be able to bring it to you. I hope you have enjoyed having a look at at these! They were fun to work on and very nice to finally be able to share them all with you.
That's it for another week, how time files! A lot of black and white this week, I must be busy! I will not be posting on this upcoming Monday, not only is it a national holiday I am going to try to observe but it is also my wife's birthday and there is much fun and excitement planned. But fear naught! I will be back on Wednesday to start sharing with you some freshly released new work! Until then...
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: