I was able to find some more time to take a fresh pass at another demon that I designed while working on Joss Whedon's Angel series. This time around the Quartz Neck Demon was the lucky winner. Here are my original designs for the Quartz Neck Demon from 2003...

If I just add some more scratchy lines to the whole thing it will somehow get better, right? I am shocked with the utter blandness of this piece, but he does have a weird piece of jewelry thing piercing his face.
© 2003 Almost Human
This was a kind of throw away background demon that we could not spend a lot of time on due to budgetary restrictions. We were using a modified cowl from another demon and creating a new face piece for old Quartz Neck. The props department supplied the hunk of rock in his neck. Not sure if this guy even had any lines or how pivotal his role was, all I know is that he dies so that the neck rock can be acquired. I could almost do anything with it and I did almost nothing. Even though we were limited I could have stretched it a little... maybe... For the this new reworking I threw all the limitations out the window and started with something fresh something... newer...
I decided when I started this reworking that I wanted to add some rock or crystal like formation to his body. That quickly got out of had. I blame my recent work on a crystalline creature that really caught my imagination. I also wanted to play up his face jewelry that got played down in the final design. That is about that really. I had a lot of fun drawing this guy and I just can't wait to do another one. Slowly but surely trying to erase my mistakes of the past ;)
That is all for another exciting week on the blog! See you back here on Monday! Until then...
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com