Don't forget! I have my art show opening this Friday! I will be hanging this afternoon! Wish me luck, haven't done this in a while. I hope to take photos as it happens and will try to share some with you on Friday. Until then...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
And the winner is...
Don't forget! I have my art show opening this Friday! I will be hanging this afternoon! Wish me luck, haven't done this in a while. I hope to take photos as it happens and will try to share some with you on Friday. Until then...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tomb of the Unknown Art #2
This just makes me want to do more turnarounds. I must use my mind powers to persuade someone to hire to do more of them. I really liked how this guy turned out with his axe and bow, WATCH OUT! he has a knife strapped to that bow. This guy is not messing around! Oh well, what could have been...
Don't forget! I have my art show opening this Friday! I will be hanging it on Wednesday afternoon, I have everything planned out so hopefully it will go as smoothly as possible. Hopefully I will have some images to share with you of the set up later in the week. Until then...
Friday, March 26, 2010
An art show with a hint of bacon
As part of Bacon and Bakin's Grand Opening and April's First Friday, I will be exhibiting a selection of my work at B&B's new location in Railroad Square Art Park! Be sure to come out Friday April 2nd between 6 - 9 pm to enjoy art, food, and fun.
Come for the Bacon and Bakin food, stay for my art!
My work will be on display the month of April if you can't make it out for Friday's opening, but I can't be held responsible for all the AWESOME you will miss out on. Hope to see you all there!
Bacon & Bakin
641-B McDonnell Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32310
(In Railroad Square Art Park between Mickey Faust and Really Knit Stuff)
I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so much to do! See you back here next week. Until then...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Mutation Nation Drawings
I was asked recently why I put so much into these drawings if they are ultimately for paintings. I gave an answer about how I put more time into drawing that are for myself or that have deadlines that allow me the time to work on them for a while. I think I also mentioned that by spending extra time on them it gives me something tangible that is precious and not inside the computer - for display or sale. While these are all true, I think I missed the real reason... I love to draw. I have heard so often from painters that still work traditionally (and painters that long to return to traditional media) that they love the tactile and visceral element of moving a brush through paint on a surface. Well, drawing does that for me. I love drawing, moving the pencil on the paper. Even when I am painting on the computer I am still moving a stylus along a surface. I always think of it as 'super drawing' - I am painting... but it feels like drawing.
Make sure you are back here on Friday to get all the details for my art show next week. I got some of my prints back yesterday and I am super excited! Always nice when your best expectations are blown out of the water by a quality job. Until then...
Monday, March 22, 2010
ArtOrder Challenge - Mutation Nation (Part 2)
I am well into my third mutant painting but I have had an emergency deadline fall in my lap so I will have to take a two week break on it. I will be sure to share it with you once it is complete. I still hope to have it finished before the challenge deadline.
As I mentioned this past Friday, I am having a one man show at Bacon and Bakin' the month of April with the opening as part of First Friday on April 2nd. I will have all the detail to you this Friday. Hope to see you there! Until then...
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bloodbound Skeever - Dreamblade

© 2006 Wizards of the Coast LLC

© 2006 Wizards of the Coast LLC
I always liked the front and back of this guy but apparently I felt the need to phone in the side view. Over the years I have learned to better embrace the side view. I absolutely love doing turnarounds and jump at any opportunity to work on them, but the side view is my least favorite part. I think it is mostly in my head. You can see how the Bloodbound Skeever turned out in it's final production miniature form, HERE.
I will be showing a selection of my work her in Tallahassee starting on April 2nd through April 28th at Bacon & Bakin'. This will include an opening night event as part of April's First Friday on the 2nd in the Railroad Square art park. If you are in the area make sure you stop by. I will have more details next week.
I will have another Mutation Nation submission for you on Monday! Until then...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
ArtOrder Challenge - Mutation Nation
But I cound not stop there... I have already finished my second painting of another mutant creature and I about to get started on my third. I can't stop... too many ideas coming too quickly. Only one design can be submitted for the challenge, so I pick this one, but I will continue on the others for myself.
I will bring you my second creation next week and most likely some of my drawings that went into these. Until then...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tomb of the Unknown Art #1
I present you with the first of several "secret" pieces. I have been given permission to use these pieces for self promotion on my blog, website and in my portfolio (if I so choose), BUT I can't talk about what project they were for or what they are. Sounds like a fair trade off to me! So, without any further delay I present... um... this turnaround...
Not much else to say. It was fun drawing a big armored mutated thing... for something. I will be back next week with hopefully the fruits of my recent labors! Until then...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Book Feast Chapter Art
Today I am bringing you part of the work I did for the Florida Libraries Youth Program (FLYP). Each year they have a pair of themes, one aimed at K - 5th grade and one at older children. A great deal of art and elements are needed for the program, including posters, bookmarks, coloring pages, connect the dots, membership cards, and tons of art for the instructor manual.
One of the K - 5 themes I have worked on was Book Feast. They didn't know what they wanted to do beyond that, so when I suggested monsters eating and using books and various library-related media. They jumped at my suggestion. Little did I know that I was embarking on a wacky adventure because of my idea of monsters and books... unfortunately I can't really talk about any of that stuff just yet. I can show you the chapter header art for the instructor's manual. Of all the art I produced for Book Feast, these were some of the few pieces that did not see some sort of revision.
Since the theme was Book Feast, all the chapters had food names. This thankfully allowed me a launchpad for ideas. So often, with projects, the themes or elements are vague ideas that do not directly translate into tangible visuals. For the most
I have put my piece away for a few days to get a fresh look at it. I should be posting it here soon, even though the deadline for it is still over a month away. I have started working on additional pieces based on the theme... too bad I can only submit one!
See you back here on Friday! Until then...
Friday, March 5, 2010
WIP - Rollbots Attack Poster
How can you go wrong with a theme like Rollbots Attack! I look forward to getting some colors onto it in the very near future... a certain mutant has my attention right now! The 2010 season looks like it is going to be a spectacular one and I happy to be a part of it. Make sure you check back in to see how this poster turns!
Next week looks like it is going to be a crazy week with family in town and wife having her spring break from classes. I will try my best with the blog, but expect some interruptions. Until then...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Warforged Armor Sketches - What could have been...
If you missed any of my other armor sets during the last six months you can find links here: Genasi recap, Tiefling recap, Dragonborn 1, Dragonborn 2, Dragonborn 3, Dragonborn 4, and Dragonborn 5.
That is all for today. Still trying to make up for lost time - so much to do! I will be back on Friday with most likely some drawings. Until then...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Warforged Armor Designs #5
Today I bring you the fifth and final installment of my Warforged armor designed for the Dungeons and Dragons Character Visualizer. There were an odd number of armor / attire sets in this batch so this leaves us with a single final turnaround. Much like the cloth attire the wizard robes of the Warforged can actually be worn like clothes, as long as there are movement gaps allowed for in the design. You can't have the wizards arm gears getting caught up in his robes while he it casting a fire ball on those hobgoblins!
That's all for today, but not all for the Warforged. I will be back on Wednesday with some drawings of earlier versions of the Warforged armor designs. Lot's for me to do before then, so I better get busy! Until then...