Monday, July 20, 2009

Promotional hand out for Comic Con

I am getting the last of my preparations in order for this years San Diego Comic Con. Some are last minute things, and others are things that have been pushed to the last minute. As I get all my ducks in a row I wanted to share with you a fun little promotional item I will have with me to hand out to people at Comic Con. BUTTONS!

Collect all 5!

Don't let me crappy photo distract you from how awesome these are in person.

My friend Chris Presley was kind enough to make these for me and if that was not enough he made me 100 of them. If you run into at Comic Con make sure you ask me for a button. All I ask in return is for you to tell people were you got it and to go to my website.

For the next week and a half I will be very busy with Comic Con so I am not sure what my posting schedule will be like. I will do my best to post news and images but this will be my first attempt, so no promises. If you don't already, you can follow my escapades on Twitter, I will be doing updates from my cell phone as often as it is relevant.

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:


  1. That's a brilliant idea. I'm totally stealing it!

  2. Please do! If others are like myself, I love to get things in my hands at cons and I hope these will find their way into many peoples hands... who will give me work. ;)

  3. How would a Brit who's not able to go to the con be able to get these from your fine self? :D

  4. Well, the easiest way would involve you emailing or direct messaging me via twitter your mailing address and I then would be able to work something out! ;)
