Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The State of the Grand Bazaar and Other Updates

This post is a bit late, but there is a lot happening everywhere, so I hope you can forgive my tardiness. When I say this is coming to you late, it was already out of date in April when I shared it with the subscribers to my newsletter (an update coming this week or next, so if you don't want to miss out, sign up!). The image I am sharing with you today was meant to go out in January, then it was February, but as mentioned, it didn't go out till April to my subscribers, which means now that I am finally sharing it with you all, it is extremely dated. So, what does this all mean?

As of earlier this year, I was over a third of the way through the art for book two. As I have been diligently making more art (I will be sharing it with you all very soon), I would think we are a bit closer to being halfway done with the art for the book. Yes, there are still some large, complicated pieces ahead of me, but I have my eye on focusing on as many of the smaller pieces first to help push production further along. I am currently finishing up some new small pieces for Gen Con, and once I am back from the convention, I will be back to working on the mid-size rank-and-file pieces that make up most of the book. In book one, there were years when I was working on it, and no one knew, so there was no pressure to update and inform, but now, with the series a known fact, well, it has been hard to find a balance of oversharing versus being too distant.

The completed art for book two of the Grand Bazaar of January, no, I mean February... that's not right. Hmmm... April?
Still no... wait, this is way out of date!

All that aside, progress is being made, notes for writing are piling up, and things are taking shape. So, while it might not look it from the outside, or the inside for that matter, things are moving in the direction they should be. There is the question of how long it will take till we see book two. The answer I am currently giving is: when it is done, it will be done. We are still a few years out till we will have the next book in hand. I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to see this next book completed sooner rather than later, but these things take time. If I didn't have to worry about money, bills, food, and sleep, the book would have been done ages ago. But sadly, I am not at a point where the Grand Bazaar can support me, but you never know what the future holds. 

In other news, after much reflection and work on the book, I have decided to move my Prolific Whittler piece originally completed for book three to book two. It will work better with the narrative of book two, and as the focus of book three shifts, it begins to lose its importance there. And to be honest, I want to see it used sooner rather than later.

Prolific Whittler
The Grand Bazaar of Ethra Dalia - In the Black
11 x 14 - Pencil, ink, and acrylic paint on paper
Original - Available
© 2021 Christopher Burdett

So, to recap, I am working on the book, much art has been made, and more art is still to be made, and then I will write it. 

That's all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog. See you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:

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