Moving back to topic, I have for you today the Galeb Duhr that I redesigned for Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition and for the Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures. The Galeb Duhr has been around in D&D for a very long time and it was my privilege to be chosen to update it for 4th Edition. In honor of this opportunity I apparently took some crazy pills and got to work on the first version of my redesign...

© 2007 Wizards of the Coast LLC
Once the crazy pills wore off I got back to work and tried to come up with some a little bit... not crappy. The second version was received a little bit better.

© 2007 Wizards of the Coast LLC
After a bit more spit and polish and more drawing I think we are getting there. The third version seemed up to the challenge and made it through and was approved.
Here is the final approved Galeb Duhr turnaround is all it's glory. As a side not my wife was quite found of the rock butt. Not sure why, I think she just like the idea of it having a butt. I didn't nessecerily see it as a butt, it did need to be spherical and bolder like. Or... it could have a rock butt.
You can see how the Galeb Duhr turned out in it's final production miniature form, HERE. Not sure I will have anything for you tomorrow but I will be back on Friday with something. I am on the home stretch on a project and need to stay focused on it. What project you ask? Well, a project involving miniature designs! Maybe that is why I have been posting so many lately...
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:
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