And so we find ourselves at the end... Today I have the final two designs I did for the unreleased 7th set of Dreamblade. I present to you the Two-Faced Freak and the Whisper of Truth. The Freak was to be an uncommon Madness piece and (you guessed it!) part of the Janus lineage and the Whisper was a common and part of that thing I am not talking about that was going to be new for set 7.

This was a fun one to work on, you can never go wrong with tentacles. This was not my first Janus piece. I designed a late addition to the base set that was going to be a Janus Scout, but it was never released. I will NOT be sharing that design, I was never happy with how it turned out and I like it even less now. Looking at the Freak now I should have added more dimension to the tentacles in the side view, but I know at the time I was concerned about getting too crazy with them. This was only a uncommon and I didn't want to make as complex as a rare.

Not much to say about this one save the challenge to make sure all the appropriate areas were covered. It needed to be PG after all. She is the third and final piece I designed for the new game element they were going to introduce to set 7. Now that you have all three, the Whisper, the Executioner and the Damsel you might be able to pick out a visual clue that they all share. It might be hard in some but there is a common visual element to them all. I wonder how it would have been received and how it would have effected the game.
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: