The newest Dungeons & Dragons supplement, Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse, was recently released, and now that I am back from multiple events, I can share my contributions. I was lucky enough to have produced two pieces for the book. Planescape is the one realm of Dungeons & Dragons I never did anything with or for. I never had the original book, never played in the realm, and have little to no knoweldge of the lore. So, after all these years, it was nice to play in the world and make some monsters. These were both super fun to work on, and I was allowed a lot of room to design and have fun. Here are the final paintings for the Cranium Rats in Disguise and the Razorvine Blight.

As with all my D&D pieces, even though the final is digital, there are original drawings available. These are no exception, and I was pleased with how the drawings from this book turned out. Here are the drawings for the Cranium Rats in Disguise and Razorvine Blight. These both sold the day the book dropped. A word of advice: if there are any D&D pieces of mine that are coming out that you want the drawings for, you need to reach out to me as soon as possible.

That is all for another exciting Monday on the blog. See you back here on Wednesday! Until then...
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