I am thrilled to share another new piece from The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia. This illustration is for Book Two: The Completed Circle. This piece will be the third central environmental plate of the book and depicts some of the many thousands of entertainers that line the streets and avenues of the Grand Bazaar working hard to earn some coins. The only problem is that what some species find appealing and pleasant, others find horrible and grating. Woe to those that do not know their audience. Of the three large environmental pieces that I have been working on, this was the one I most wanted to create. I saved it for last - and it was worth it. I have wanted to create this piece since working on book one, and it was everything I was hoping and waiting for. I am over the moon to debut this at Gen Con next week. I present to you with The Entertainers.

The Entertainers
The Grand Bazaar of Ethra Dalia - The Completed Circle
16 x 20 - Pencil, ink, and acrylic paint on paper
Original - Available on my store
© 2023 Christopher Burdett

The Entertainers - Drawing
16 x 20 - Pencil on paper
© 2023 Christopher Burdett
This is the last of three larger pieces I had planned for myself. Now that they are completed, I have moved back to several character illustrations. The completion of this piece also marks a milestone! I am currently a third of the way through the art of the second book. Always more to do, but as long as I stay focused, they will all get completed. Here is a look at the sketch for The Entertainers to show where it began.

The Entertainers - Sketch
© 2023 Christopher Burdett As a bonus, I have some images of the rendering process of this piece so that you can get a better idea of it taking shape.
The Entertainers - Process
© 2023 Christopher Burdett
That is all for another exciting Monday on the blog. See you back here on Wednesday! Until then...
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