All good things must end and so we arrive at Day 4 of Gen Con 2014. I rolled into the last day with only the barest minimum of sleep but I was ready to take on the day. I hit the ground running once I got to the convention center and the hours flew by. Before I knew it four o'clock had arrived and another Gen Con was behind us. Tear down went as smoothly as tear down usually goes... with only a few set backs. Art and prints were traded with other artists and it was time to get the heck out of the convention center. With the con behind us we formed a small group to grab dinner, have a little walk, try out a dessert spot, have a great evening of conversation, and to finally depart on all our separate ways. A HUGE THANKS to Barbara Fisher for all she and her team does to make the art show happen each year! It was SO great to reconnect with friends, turn acquaintances into friends, and meet many new folks! This year was a great Gen Con, looking forward to next year already! Here are some images from Day 4...

Started the day off with a Samus sketch.
The request was to do any female video game character.
Did an art for art swop with Juan C. Martinez.
He got a sketch and I got a penny turned into a dragon!
Here is a better view of the dragon penny.
He made it on the spot while I drew! How cool is that?!
A quick breather to look up towards my left...
...and to my right. Okay, enough goofing around, back to work.
With 5th Edition Monster Manuals released at Gen Con I got to sign several of them.
Here is a better picture of my Aarakocra that I shared a day or two ago. It is the very first monster in the book and I got to redesign it for 5th Edition and illustrate it for the book!
AND they are making a miniature of it! More on all this VERY soon.
This might look like just a normal playing card, but it was a Magic the Gathering playing card. It has a MtG back to it. I was rather proud of my solution for a sketch on the card... RAWR! :P
...I felt the urge to crash the party for a second... if my life was a movie, but it is not so I didn't. That would have been SO unprofessional and inappropriate.
Indianapolis offered up a gorgeous sky that last night.
Even with the invasion of a giant finger this image will back great reference!
Good bye Indiana for another year, until 2015! RAWR!
That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog! See you back here tomorrow... because this is a REALLY busy week! Until then...