Monday, August 14, 2017

Shifting Shadow - MtG - Commander 2017

The entire set of Commander 2017, the newest expansion to Magic the Gathering, was spoiled last week. This means I can now share my card coming out as part of Commander 2017. I present you with Shifting Shadow...

Shifting Shadow
Magic the Gathering - Commander 2017
14 x 10.2- Digital
PRINTS available at OMA!
ARTIST PROOFS available over on my web store! 
 © 2017 Wizards of the Coast

This was a really interesting piece to work on. A tiny little feisty lizard needed to look like it had the shadow of a giant dragon. I did so many thumbnails trying to work this one out. In the end, I think it worked out great and this is one of my favorite Magic pieces. A HUGE thanks goes out to Mark Winters for the Shifting Shadow assignment!

While the final for this piece was digital, the original drawings associated with this piece will be available at Gen Con 2017, August 17-20. Prints will be also be available soon. Finally, artist proofs will be available once the set is released and I have received them. Speaking of drawings, here is a look at the drawing and tonal study that I did for Shifting Shadow...

Shifting Shadow - Drawing
Magic the Gathering - Commander 2017 
17 x 14 -Pencil on paper 
Original available soon! 
© 2017 Wizards of the Coast

Shifting Shadow - Tonal Study
Magic the Gathering - Commander 2017 
17 x 14 -Pencil on paper
Original - SOLD 
© 2017 Wizards of the Coast

The tonal study did not slip through the cracks this time! Here is a look at the final card version of the Shifting Shadow... 

Shifting Shadow in handy dandy card form

That is all for anther exciting Monday on the blog, see you back here on Wednesday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:


  1. One of my favorite card art from recent years. You should sell playmats and prints of it!

    1. Hello! There are prints of this piece available over on my store:

      Playmats are another issue altogether. I have to officially license them through WotC and the minimum order is 50... which is not something I can easily do.

    2. i need play mat this is the most beutifull card ever

    3. Thanks for the interest. Currently, there has not been enough interest in this image to justify the cost of getting playmats printed.
