Illuxcon Day 4! For all things there is a beginning and an ending and unfortunately Day 4 is the last day of Illuxcon 2011. Since no workshops or lectures were scheduled, artist were at their booths and everyone was having a chance to talk to them and pick their brains on all their secrets and pro tips. Also, the day was set aside for students and the public to come to the Illuxcon. The exhibit hall was absolutely packed and there was a lot of energy in the room even though everyone was moving a little slow due to repeated late nights. Day 4 is the last chance to see so much amazing art in person so I made sure to try to take as much in as possible and I think others were on the same quest. As the day turned to evening people reluctantly began their long journeys home. The show finally came down and everyone split into groups to have dinner. Everyone met back up at the Ramada for the last good-byes and well wishes. Now all that is left is to head home myself and I have a long day of airports and airplanes ahead of me. Here are the pictures of the day...

I picked up a Sam Burley original. A really nice little oil piece of a great looking sky.

Some of Jordu Schell's awesome beasties. I am pretty sure the one on the right says, "RAWR!"

The event hall was bustling with activity.
Shadowcore representing at Illuxcon 2011! Left to right, Chris Rahn, Mike Sass, Me (Christopher Burdett), Anna Christenson, and Tyler Jacobson.

Jordu Schell working on an awesome maquette.

Thomas Kuebler's Baba Yaga would love to give you a hug!

The show begins to come down...

First to arrive and last to leave... Ralph Horsley finishes up on the last row of the gallery.

One last look of the gallery before leaving, the end of Illuxcon 4, now to patiently wait till Illuxcon 5!
That is all for today and Illuxcon 2011! Time to travel home, see you back on the blog later in the week! Until then...
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