I had planned to share this months ago, closer to when we made our trip to Italy this past May. If you had been following along in that adventure, you know that things got weird. Well, weird is not the right word - let's just say it was complicated. But as the months passed, things evened out, and now I am here to share a story about Italy, Romeo & Juliet, and The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia.
Our second to last stop in our Italian adventure was Verona. This was our first time in the city, and it became an instant favorite. As our hosts described it, Verona is the most Italian city in all of Italy. We didn't understand the comment at first, but after a couple of days, as an outsider, we understood it. We did see the Pope zip by in a motorcade while we walked down the street, so I think there is some truth to it. We enjoyed the city and would return without hesitation.
One of the main reasons that you may know the city of Verona is because Shakespear's Romeo & Juliet was set here. While the story is fictitious, the Capulets were real. And it just so happens that our hotel was located in the buildings that once were the Capulet home. There is a courtyard with a balcony that is said to be Juliet's balcony - even though she never existed. It is a tourist destination with massive crowds while it is open. As our hotel's entrance was off the courtyard, we had after hours access, which was fun and gave us a chance to see the balcony, the courtyard, and the bronze staute of the 13 year old Juliet (whose breasts have been polished to a shine by all the creeps visiting). Out on the street under our hotel is a store that sells souvenirs related to Romeo & Juliet. You can find shirts, aprons, buttons, and everything else in between, but most of all, you can get your name and the name of your true love embroidered onto some of these items. It was a perfect moment we found ourselves at the souvenir store talking to a very nice old man who worked the store and ran the ancient embroidery machine. He made my wife a free bookmark, and we knew it was time to get something silly.

Ethra and Shaper in the Capulet courtyard under "Juliet's Balcony"
It's weird, it's silly, and no one will really understand it except my wife and I, but here it is. A heart-shaped pot holder with hearts and the two main characters from my stories. It is perfect. And I am so glad I got it, for so many reasons, but at a very low time on an amazing trip, it was just want I needed. Having tangible artifacts related to the real world and the world of the Grand Bazaar makes me more giddy than it should, but that is the point of them. This hangs in my studio above my drawing table, where I can always see it so that it reminds me of the trip and the good and the bad.
A better shot of the balcony and yet another PERFECT Italian wall - just look at all that beautiful texture and detail!
That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog. See you back here on Friday! Until then...