Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Gathering is the Magic Clip: "Christopher Burdett - Loathsome Catoblepas"

During Gen Con 2022, I had an excellent opportunity to speak with the folks behind the upcoming documentary about Magic the Gathering, The Gathering is the Magic. It was a lot of fun and always a good time to talk about art, monsters, and more. In July of this year, I did a follow up interview where I spoke about my work on the game in greater detail, as well as other topics. Another clip from the recent interview has been shared, so I am now sharing it with you.

The Gathering is the Magic - A documentary about how Magic the Gathering brings people together, fosters friendship, and inspires with art and storytelling.

In the interview, I was asked to talk about the cards I created for Magic the Gathering. It was fun to reminisce about the art and monsters I made, the fan response to them, and the behind-the-scenes stories regarding the cards. This clip is about the Loathsome Catoblepas. Enjoy the clip, and check out what else The Gathering is the Magic has been sharing!

The story of the Loathsome Catoblepas, my first card and "the worst card in the game".

That's all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog. See you back here next week! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:

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