Today, I am happy to share the process and steps for one of my contributions to the Dungeons & Dragons supplement, Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants. I somehow missed sharing this before and thought it was already shared when I recently posted the process for the Fomorian Deep Crawler. So, ignore that I said the Fomorian Deep Crawler was the last one of these for this book; the Storm Crab is the final process post for it. Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants focuses on all things giants, including giant crabs that eat young dragon turtles. Here is the final painting for the Storm Crab about to enjoy a snack.

Storm Crab
Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Emi Tamji
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
I was asked illustrate the Storm Crab, while there was a concept design for this already I was asked to expand on it and make it more my own. I am always up for designing and painting monsters! The Storm Crab was described as:
This illustration depicts a STORM CRAB. The crab is a monstrously large crustacean capable of hunting dragon turtles. Its carapace is wide, like a crab, but also has a narrow thorax that ends in a STINGER. The crab has three long limbs, and two pairs of pincer claws. One pair is larger than the other, and the smaller pair is closer to its head. The shell is spikey and can have bioluminescent algae growing on it.
The crab is attacking a young DRAGON TURTLE that is about half its size. It holds the dragon turtle in its claws, and it is looking to stab it with its stinger to inject a paralyzing venom.
This all sounds fun to work on, so I got to work on some thumbnails. As with some of the others pieces for this book I was battling a very narrow tall composistional space - something that gave me a certain amount of ttouble. In the end, I think I made them all work. Here are the thumbnails that I submitted.

Storm Crab - Thumbnails
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
These were well recieved and I was asked to make a small update to option 'B'. Production wanted more dangling creepy legs to be seen below and behind the dragon turtle. Here is the updated thumbnail that I submitted.

Storm Crab - Revised thumbnail
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
The updated thumbnail was approved without additional notes and revisions. I was now approved to take it to the next process phase. I always create a final traditional drawing for every project to work out the details and to give myself a tangible product from the assignment. Here is the Storm Crab drawing.

Storm Crab
Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants
11 x 14 -Colored pencil on paper
Original - SOLD
Art Director - Emi Tamji
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
The drawing was approved without comment, and it was time to start on the final painting. Here is the painting of the Storm Crab taking shape.

Storm Crab - Process
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
While I did not paint this one as quickly as the Fomorian Deep Crawler, I did complete this one in record time. Again, these were very straightforward pieces, and I had worked out all the details ahead of time. The color and deco choices for the turtle are establishedand I was free to make the crab however I choosed. I went with colors and deco that is familair to me and the crabs I have seen in my life. There were no issues and no edits or changes needed for it. Here, again, is the final painting of the Storm Crab.

Storm Crab
Bigby Presents: Glory of Giants
© 2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC
That's all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog. See you back here on Friday! Until then...