Friday, August 16, 2024

Talisman: The Deep Realms - The Return of the Dracolich

Today, another episode of my work that was reprinted and released that I never knew about till now! This time around, it is the Dracolich that I originally created for Talisman: The Dragons way back in 2011. With a published year of 2011, it likely means I painted this in 2010, which means this little undead dragon is fourteen years old. I am only going through all the numbers because sometimes it is hard to get my head around how long I have been doing this. Jump ahead to 2015, and the Dracolich has popped up in the Talisman: The Deep Realms expansion. Always weird to stumble onto your work out in the wild that you never knew about. Though, I am not sure how many people knew about this piece to begin with. If this is your first encounter with this piece, I present to you the mighty Dracolich.

Originally from Talisman: The Dragons
7 x 6 - Digital
© 2011 Fantasy Flight Games

At one time, I did a lot of work on the Talisman games. I cut my teeth on the game and made some pretty good pieces for the game and some, shall we say, less successful pieces. Working on the game, with its TINY card size, meant that I could experiment, play, and take some chances with the art because when it is printed, it will be condensed and lose a lot of the fine detail. Also, these sets had a ton of cards with art from a ton of different artists, so turning in a dud now and again wasn't the level of issue it would be on other projects. There are some things that are working on this one and some things that aren't, but for a piece that is nearly fifteen years old, I think it is still, mostly, holding up. If you are looking to complete your entire collection of things I have worked on, then all you need do is look for this expansion, and you will be one step closer to a complete collection!

The Deep Realms expansion of Talisman

Finally, here is a look at the final production card. As far as I know, it is the same card with the same stats and abilities as the card initially released in the Dragons expansion. 

The Dracolich in handy dandy card form!
LOOK OUT! Craft:10!

 That is all for another exciting week on the blog. See you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:

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