Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Gen Con 2024 Recap

For many reasons, Gen Con is my biggest show of the year. It has the most attendees, vendors, artists, and activities, and it is in the largest convention center and city of any show I do in a year. It also costs the most to attend and to be a part of. Gen Con has been good to me over the years. There have been rocky spots and some bumpy years, but we keep coming back to Gen Con. It is also the show I feel like I worked the hardest while at the show as well as preparing for it. I am still processing this year's show. I feel like I am spending more time thinking about how shows perform, what worked, what didn't work, and what I can do differently moving forward in ways I never did before COVID-19. While I think this is primarily due to my complete focus on the Grand Bazaar, which is my creation and not that of my clients, I also think I am looking at conventions differently - which is all a good thing.

And here we are at Gen Con 2024. This year was my best Gen Con to date. Saleswise, it was the best I have had as it surpassed my record last year. Emotionally, it was my best as well, but this has a lot to do with winning the Doug Kovacs award at the Gen Con Art Show awards. This award has a history and a story to it, and I am not really prepared to go into it here. Let me just say it means a great deal to me (like, REALLY A LOT), and I share this award with many other great artists. It is just really, really special when the universe taps you on the shoulder and gives you a nod. Many thanks to all the judges, Barbara Fisher and, of course, Wayne Reynolds.

A HUGE thanks to all who came by the booth this year. It was great to share the Grand Bazaar with you. I am not sure that the couple will ever see this, but you walked away saying that I was giving you the 'hard sale.' That is not something I do or like. I was letting you know that the item you were interested in has been selling out at events that I have done this year and, at the time, was tracking that way at Gen Con. I just wanted you to know the reality of the situation. I am sorry if I offended you, but I was just trying to be honest and to help you find what you were looking for. Moving on... It was SO wonderful to see so many friends and familiar faces this year! Many that I haven't seen since before COVID. I wish that we had more time together, but hopefully, this means we will cross paths again soon.

But as I said before, I am still processing the convention. I have some early takeaways, but I am sure more will become clear as I move further from the event and continue to ponder and ruminate on things. For now, enjoy these photos from Gen Con 2024 and some additional thoughts!

My Gen Con 2024 booth.
While every show is different... and the same, I enjoy the subtle tweaks I can make at each show to refine the Grand Bazaar a little bit more each time. I was thrilled with how the booth turned out this year.

For once, I was able to walk around a little bit before the con started.
I was able to see this big mech, and I walked to almost the far end of the vendor hall.
The rest of the time, I was in my booth.

This was what greeted me when I arrived at the vendor hall on Thursday morning.

While this photo was taken Thursday, crowds like this are normally reserved for Saturday.
The crowds remained like this for the entire weekend.

No one can say that the Art Show wasn't well attended.

I *MAY* have signed a few Ancient Carp cards for the one and only Matthew Schneider!

Some of the sketches I did on the back of Magic proofs.

I finally got to see the Lego Aarakocra in person. I can not wait to get one of my own. And to make it even better, it comes with a little kitty familair!

Got a chance to talk with Brian Pitre at the booth, and he gave me this awesome sticker.

As mentioned before, I was honored with the Doug Kovacs Award,

The excellent Jacob Walker made the award this year, which made it all even better!

And finally, the man himself, Wayne Renolds, who chose me for this year's award.

This was as close to the balloon sculpture as I got this year. The gnomes turned out to be wearable and paraded around at one point. At least I got to see the photos and videos.

What an amazing and creative group of humans. I am so proud of all of them!
So wonderful to be able to be a part of this group.

And finally, what went up must come down.
Another Gen Con in the books!
Remember to trust the process and be in the moment as much as you can.

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog. See you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:


  1. So awesome meeting you finally! Glad it was a successful event ❤️ The carps have returned home safely 🐟

    1. 1oo%! Great to finally meet after all these years :) Glad all the fish swam home safely.
