Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gen Con 2011 - Day 0

I have a feeling already that my Gen Con posts might be light on words but hopefully heavy on images. As I end day 0 at Gen Con 2011 I am already realizing just how exhausting and all involving having a booth in the artist alley is going to be. The day started at 5:30 am with only a few scant hours of sleep. We arrived in Indianapolis around noon and hit the ground running. I was greatly relieved to see that my mighty box had made the journey to Indianapolis ahead of me and remained intact. We lugged everything over to the convention center, got our passes and began to get things set up…

Box, booth and wife ready for an exciting four days of Gen Con 2011. That empty table next to us will hopefully be filled with none other than Ralph Horsley by the morning of Day 1.

We arrived much earlier then most of the other attending artists. By 8:00 pm when they kicked everyone out this place was a buzz with activity.

Did I mention our GREAT location? Our booth faces out into the convention hall on a major artery of movement. Could not be happier! And yes, that is Fantasy Flight Games just over there… in Nerf range…

In no time at all everything was set up and ready to go. When I say no time, I mean after several hours and lots and lots of shuffling, reshuffling and adjusting.

Version 1.0 of the booth… version 2.0 was in effect by 8:00pm… but I will share that with you tomorrow.

A nice mention of all the first time artists appearing in the artist alley was included in the show program!

That is all for day 0… I need sleep! It all begins Thursday morning when the doors open to the general public at 10am!

See you hopefully tomorrow for Day 1 coverage of Gen Con 2011! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact
me regarding my availability head over to my website: