There was much to see and do again today. I did a lot of wandering trying to take it all in and to see it all. Though Gen Con is smaller then huge events like Comic Con there is still so much to see and do.
In the end I did find myself back in the artist alley talking to everybody, looking at the beautiful work and getting energized about my work. I was also able to finally spend some time looking at the winners from the night before. Not too mention get some more awesome additions to my Monster Manual 2.
The evening brought a really fun meet and eat with the fine folks at Fantasy Flight. Good time with food, friends and fellow artist. Tip of the hat to Zoe and Kyle for making it happen! Sounds like this might be the start of a new tradition.

As the evening turned to night the Dungeons and Dragons books were busted out and adventures were gathered to the quest! HUHZAH!I suppose it would not be Gen Con without some gaming in a hotel room.
Onward to day four! Check back in tomorrow for all the details. Until then...
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:
I'm so glad you could be there to see our "Serrated Dawn Proxy Booster Draft." It made it that much more special for everyone involved, to meet you and discuss the art that went into the creation of Dreamblade. Thanks so much for coming (and also for posting the photos of the booster box on your blog; I love the fact that I can even read my "Made in North Carolina" imprint. LOL!). --David