Friday, July 26, 2013


The toned monsters continue to appear... they are growing stronger, faster, more aggressive... as if they mean to take over... THE WORLD. Or not. Anyway... this time around I revisited the Horusians that I did for the most excellent blog, The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe REDUXE Edition (OHOTMU Reduxe). This piece was generally well received and was said to be the favorite of the all the alien redesigned by many people. I like it a lot too so it only seemed logical that I give it some toned paper love and here is how it turned out...

9 x 12 - Pencil on toned paper
Original - SOLD
© 2013 Christopher Burdett

It is hard to go wrong when pulling from the rich and layered imagery and design of the ancient Egyptians. ...well, you can, that is besides the point. I did this piece originally before visiting London when I could see real artifacts of Egypt so I would have done things a little different, but this is an alien... so it all works out. Also, this was the second of my warm up / practice toned paper pieces. I was feeling really good about the new paper after the Turtle Frog but once I finished this one I knew I was making a smart choice to move onto the paper for when I want to make a more finished drawing... RAWR!

For those attending Gen Con you will have a chance to see the Horusians in person and even buy him and take him home with you! Give the Horusians a good home!

That is all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

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