I couldn't make up my mind with what to post today. I had first thought to post some more designs and variations from my work on Dreamblade, but that work is now several years old. I have new gaming related work, but most of that can't be shown, and what I can show will be out of context, so that didn't feel right. Then it hit me, it is right in front of me, literally!
How about some selections from that
OTHER stuff I work on. You might remember I posted some of
this work back in March. I am currently illustrating and animating an online instructional course that addresses the issues and concerns of child safety in child care homes and facilities. You might think this is a far cry from things that come from... Dungeons... or live near... Dragons, but you might be surprised.

To find the key you must pass through the Room of Shadows, the Chamber of Sounds, and the Hall of Terror (or is that the Hall of 'Breaking it Down'?)

Be careful in the use of fire related spells, especially in doors.

The Fire Banshees successfully surprised the party and gain combat advantage.

On your journey you will see many sites, the Chain Linked Forest, the Sign of Sunny Child, the Hoop of Basketballing, and a town.

When placing smoke detectors, one must be placed on every floor of a house, one near sleeping areas, one in the dungeon, and one near the trap door in the top tower of the dark wizard's castle.
In all seriousness, I create hundreds of images for this client and I take the work I do for them extremely seriously. But if we can't laugh at ourselves...
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