Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gen Con 2013 - Day 1

Gen Con begins! The first day of Gen Con (a Thursday... and serendipitously, exactly one week ago) can be so unpredictable. Usually those there are on a mission to get an exclusive, play a specific game or item, or meet a specific person. There is not a lot of browsing... or so it seems to me. A lot of familiar faces came by the booth the first day which was nice... though it sometimes takes me a moment to put the face into context.

Gen Con is great for people watching and having a chair in a fixed location allows for a steady stream of interesting folks to engage with, talk to, and watch. This is one of my wife's favorite con activities. The day progressed in the usual fashion of frantic spikes in activity and creepy quiet moments. The evening turned out to be much more interesting then the usual Gen Con evening of hanging out in a bar. We began wandering about the evening and night event that the con had to offer and quickly released that we have been missing a lot of events and activities at the con. Then there was Wil Wheaton playing a giant game of Star Trek Settlers of Catan... There were also AMAZING cupcakes and converted even the more stoic and cynical of us into giddy piles of confectionary joy.

All in all, it was a pretty good start to Gen Con 2013! Here are some pictures from the first day...

The booth is now completely up and functional... with hidden spring loaded wife for surprise sales pitch action!

Play mats for all your play mat needs... RAWR!

I am told that next time Steve will oder the BIG banners...

The man, the myth, the Bradly... with super classy tip cardboard.

Noodles & Co was doing Gen Con RIGHT. These came with your take out.

Sketching in sketchbook 4! RAWR!

The most massive of miniatures... the Skorne Mammoth that I designed.

Everywhere I looked... P'an Ku...

Even MORE sketching in sketchbook 4... RAWRx2!

A look around Gen Con from my vantage point.

For me, THIS is the stuff of nightmares...

Not sure what is going on here, but I am PRETTY SURE it is illeagal in Indiana.

Hey kids, it's TV's Wil Wheaton!

That is all for another exciting Thursday on the blog, see you back here tomorrow for more Gen Con 2013 coverage! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

1 comment:

  1. wow, wil wheaton, he is like my 21st favorite star trek character (5th favorite character from Stand by Me)
