I got a lot of feedback on this piece from other artist and it was almost unanimously, "You should have used reference". The fact is that I took reference photos with awesome lighting and everything. I look back at this piece now and say, "I should have used reference". Apparently taking and having the reference is only half the equation. I am happy to say that since working on these I think I am taking better reference and in turn using it more effectively. Live and learn!
That is all for another week! Starting next week I will be posting my pieces from the Pathfinder GameMaster Guide that came out recently. Oh and Gen Con is coming up... have I mentioned I will be there? More on this soon. Until then...
For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: www.christopherburdett.com
Ugh. I can't tell you how often that happens to me. Makes me want to pull my hair out. I still like it and I give you a lot of credit in still showing it. I know when I get that feedback I want to bury my head in the dirt.