Friday, March 27, 2009

Artorder Sketch - Construct Concept

If you missed it, last weeks sketches are up over at Artorder as well as this weeks assignment. Here is my sketch for this week...

This weeks theme was to design a construct along the lines of being a randomly evolved killing machine-like wild animal.

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:


  1. So this morning in a meeting I remembered you saying something about how you hate to draw something twice and realized that I'm the same way when it comes to writing/revising/editing. I hate having to revise my own work, because hey, been there done that.

    Just thought I's share.

  2. wow thanks for visiting my little ol blog
    its an honour!
    your monster concept pics are awesome!
    quite blown away with that cupboard full of the dreamscape figures too!

  3. Hey there Jeffrey! I honor is all mine, thank you for checking my blog out and following. You have some great work on your blog, I really look forward to seeing more!

  4. Hi Christopher,

    I've been following your stuff over at ArtOrder, and have to save that I'm AMAZED at your character, monster, and whatever designs.. I really enjoy seeing your interpretations.


  5. Hey there Riq,

    Thanks so much for your kind words about my work. I have also been enjoying your ArtOrder designs as well as your character designs you have been posting on your blog. You have a great style. Also, those Star Wars miniature turnarounds are really sharp!
