I am thrilled to share another new piece from The Grand Bazaar of Ethra VanDalia! This illustration is for Book Two: The Completed Circle and is one of the supporting pieces for the Gallionic Gallowglass. I present to you a Water Beggar. You may recognize one of these poor beings from the Gallionic Gallowglass illustration, as there are a number of them in the piece. Sadly, these beings were not prepared for life beyond their lands, and they have not adjusted well to being in the Grand Bazaar. They spend their days begging for water - water that, if ingested for long enough, will eventually kill them. I present to you with the Water Beggar.

Water Beggar
The Grand Bazaar of Ethra Dalia - The Completed Circle
8 x 10 - Pencil, ink, and acrylic paint on paper
Original - Contact me if interested
© 2025 Christopher Burdett

Water Beggar - Drawing
8 x 10 - Pencil on paper
© 2025 Christopher Burdett
This is a prime example of how my working process results in a more complex story. These guys were not meant to be in the next book, but as I worked on the Gallionic Gallowglass illustration, one thing led to another, and the Water Beggars joined book two. Now they are getting their own spot illustration and a little story about them. If I had the power to instantly make things, these hapless fellows would not exist. Again, this is evidence that the slow way of making things is the best way to make things. More life and detail emerge as I spend days, months, and years working on my stories. Here is a look at the sketch for the Water Beggar to show where it began.

Water Beggar - Sketch
© 2025 Christopher BurdettAs a bonus, I have a single image of the rendering process of this piece so that you can get a better idea of the piece image taking shape. This one came together very quickly, and I forgot to take more photos.

Water Beggar - Process
© 2025 Christopher Burdett
That is all for another exciting Monday on the blog. See you back here on Wednesday! Until then...